Used NANOMETRICS NanoSpec M-6100 #9386075 for sale

ID: 9386075
Thickness measurement system.
NANOMETRICS NanoSpec M-6100 is an automated mask and wafer inspection equipment for use in the production and manufacturing of semiconductor and microelectronic components. The system is designed to ensure that masks and wafers adhere to industry standards to guarantee accurate and reliable operation and performance of devices. NanoSpec M-6100 is an advanced optical unit that utilizes digital microscopy with a state of the art laser-based illuminator to accurately and precisely inspect mask and wafer surfaces. The inspection machine can detect a wide range of flaws and defects including fiber defects, edge breaks, surface particles, and pattern density. The advanced optics also enables users to examine microscopic features such as the physical properties of resist patterns and the thickness of resist layers. NANOMETRICS NanoSpec M-6100 features an open architecture design for greater accessibility, enabling users to customize the tool. With a user-friendly interface, users can easily set up and calibrate the asset according to their needs. The model also comes with a variety of software features that allow users to manage the equipment, configure the system settings, and create custom inspection recipes to automate tasks and optimize throughput. NanoSpec M-6100 unit includes a variety of accessories to enhance its precision and speed. These include a high-resolution camera, optics mounting machine, a robotic part handler, and a vision tool for automated inspections. Additionally, a multi-stage motorized stage allows for accurate and precise positioning of the optics, ensuring perfect alignment with the wafer or mask each time. Overall, NANOMETRICS NanoSpec M-6100 is an advanced asset that offers unparalleled accuracy and efficiency in mask and wafer inspections. With its extensive range of features and accessories, it ensures that masks and wafers adhere to industry standards for optimal performance.
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