Used NIKON Labophot 2 #127309 for sale

NIKON Labophot 2
Labophot 2
ID: 127309
Microscope binocular (2) CFWN 10x/20 eyepieces Objectives: Eplan Achro 10/0.25, 40/0.65, 100/1.25 Oil, 1.25 Abbe Condensor 33mm Blue Filter.
NIKON Labophot 2 is a high quality microscope designed for use in a variety of microscopy applications. It features an infinity-corrected optical equipment, a manual focus drive, and a 5-position nosepiece to facilitate sample manipulation. The microscope features a Plan-Apo E600 infinity-corrected optical system, consisting of a robust chromatic correction unit adjustable from 400 to 700nm. This machine allows for a wide range of observations between a variety of magnifications. The microscope is also equipped with achromatic plan objectives that provide a flat and uniformly illuminated field of view. For sample manipulation, Labophot 2 has a high quality, smooth-action manual focus drive, which allows a range of focus articulations from .02mm to 25mm. It also includes a 5-position nosepiece which offers increased versatility when manipulating samples. The nosepiece can be rotated to select different observation positions with ease. In addition to its superior optics and sample manipulation, NIKON Labophot 2 also features LED illumination systems ranging from 3.2 to 100 watts. This provides an adjustable, constant source of illumination for a wide variety of applications. The microscope also has a built-in EDF control tool, which helps ensure a evenly illuminated field of view. Labophot 2 provides reliable and high quality images, even at the highest magnifications. With its infinity-corrected optics, LED illumination, manual focus drive, and variable nosepiece, this microscope is ideal for a variety of research and hobby applications.
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