Used OLYMPUS MX50 #9195458 for sale
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OLYMPUS MX-50 is a microscopy system ideal for a variety of applications in science and research fields. OLYMPUS MX50 is a microscope equipped with advanced optics, a high level of brightness and contrast, and a novel optical design. All of these features make MX 50 a top performer in the field of microscopes. The microscope includes a modular photomicroscope optimized for maximum optical performance. Its advanced wavefront-corrective optical design eliminates geometric aberrations in the microscope's field of view, improving detection and imaging of objects. The wavefront-corrective optical design also increases the contrast and color accuracy of images, enabling fine details to be spotted quickly and accurately. MX50 offers automatic tracking of observation parameters, such as stage position and illumination, allowing the user to capture time-lapse images with ease. Its illumination design maximizes image brightness and contrast while decreasing unwanted flare and ghost images that often occur when using fiber-optic lighting systems. The microscope offers a unique hybrid imaging system that combines both digital and traditional optical imaging in order to create the most comprehensive and informative images possible. The digital imaging mode offers the magnifications up to 1000x, allowing for detailed observation of surface features such as grain structure and crystal lattice. The optical imaging mode captures images of numerous objects simultaneously, whereas the digital imaging mode captures single objects in great detail. OLYMPUS MX 50 is the perfect tool for the modern scientist or researcher. Its innovative design and features make it an ideal choice for examining a variety of objects in precise detail. The system's advanced optics and integrated imaging modes give it superior performance capabilities, allowing users to harness the full potential of MX-50 microscope.
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