Used OLYMPUS STM #9294749 for sale

ID: 9294749
OLYMPUS STM is a type of Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) designed by OLYMPUS Corporation, a worldwide leader in research and optical technology. STMs are widely used in research, materials development, surface dynamics, and other fields. OLYMPUS STM has been especially designed to provide clear imaging at high resolution and has superior speed as compared to other STMs. STM operates by scanning a fine conductive probe tip operated over a sample surface. The image of the sample is observed by measuring the electron tunneling current generated at the interface. The tunneling current varies with the distance between the tip and sample, and this variation is used to create an atomic scale map of the topography of the sample. OLYMPUS STM can be used to achieve a resolution down to 0.1 angstroms for imaging and manipulation of single atoms and molecules. This microscope offers a range of features and benefits for researchers. STM has superior imaging speed compared to other STMs and is able to provide clear real-time images of samples at high resolution. As the sample is scanned under the probe, the instantaneous magnified image can be recorded over time to construct a 3D map of the sample. OLYMPUS STM also features a fast scanning technique to simplify the acquisition of atomic resolution images. In addition, STM makes performing complex topography studies of samples easier than ever before. It features an ultra-small probes suitable for operation in conductive and insulating liquids, a built-in liquid cell and an automated shot potential control to support sophisticated surface analysis of even delicate samples. OLYMPUS STM also provides a full range of control options for the scanning conditions from automatic to manual control. This allows researchers to accurately fine-tune the parameters of the microscope for tailored performance. STM is also compatible with a variety of accessories and probes to suit the research requirements. Thanks to its superior imaging capabilities, accuracy and control, OLYMPUS STM can provide the perfect tool for atomic-scale studies and cutting-edge research. It is an ideal choice for those looking to push the boundaries of nanotechnology and other applied sciences.
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