Used SONIX HS-1000 #293656665 for sale
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SONIX HS-1000 is a high-performance microscopy equipment designed for a range of applications, such as life sciences and industrial applications. It features a powerful magnification of up to 1000x, allowing users to observe and analyze microscopic specimens with unprecedented clarity and detail. SONIX HS1000 is equipped with an advanced CCD imaging system and a range of objectives, ranging from a 10x wide-field to a 1000x oil immersion lens. The microscope features an ergonomic design, making it easy to maneuver during a wide range of applications. It comes with a field of view of up to 25 choices, from low power 10x to the highest strength objectives, which allows for more precise object viewing and analysis. To provide users with the clearest possible image, the microscope comes with several specialized features including an advanced contrast unit for improved image quality and brightness control. The advanced optics and powerful illumination machine provide a uniquely stable and bright image, even under varying environmental conditions. HS 1000 is also equipped with an easy-to-use 3D measurement tool, enabling the user to measure 3D objects quickly and accurately. It also includes a range of image-processing software applications, such as focus stacking and multiple windowing, that make it easy to adjust images for better visualization. HS1000 is an excellent choice for life science applications, industrial analysis, and various other scientific research. The combination of its diverse features and user-friendly design make it an ideal microscopy asset for both new and experienced users.
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