Used VEECO / DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS Dimension 9000M #9401449 for sale
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VEECO / DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS Dimension 9000M is a powerful scanning electron microscope (SEM) that excels in the field of imaging applications such as surface topography and defect analysis, thin film analysis, nanoparticle characterization, and sample manipulation. This microscope utilizes both scanning and transmission electron microscopy, providing unparalleled resolution and imaging accuracy. At the heart of the microscope is its electron source, a high-performance Schottky field emission gun (FEG). The FEG produces a beam of electrons that are accelerated and focused using a series of lenses, as well as a mechanism for deflecting and scanning the electron beam across the sample. This allows for a wide range of magnification settings from 100 nm to 200 nm, enabling the user to inspect nanometer-scale features with great detail. VEECO Dimension 9000M also features an adjustable high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) detector which increases the detection of low-angle scattering electrons, and therefore, enhances the contrast resolution of the image produced. Additionally, the optics chamber is equipped with an auto-aligning stage, providing stable alignment and adjustment between the electron sources, lens and detector, rendering optimum image quality. DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS DIMENSION 9000 M also includes an advanced computer control system, allowing users to store, manage, and recall imaging parameters easily. This system also allows for real-time control over sample temperature, stage height, acceleration voltage, and scan rate. DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS Dimension 9000M also features an interactive software environment that allows for the customization of a wide variety of parameters. These include the strength of a sample's magnetic field and its exact location, the size and shape of the sample holder and energy of the electron beam. Dimension 9000M is a well-rounded electron microscope that is designed to most efficiently and accurately characterize a broad range of nanoscale features down to the sub-5 nm level. This microscope's exceptional imaging capability, combined with its user-friendly control system, allows for the quick and accurate visualization of details that can be difficult to access with earlier SEM models.
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