Used VEECO Nanoscope 3 #9083773 for sale
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VEECO Nanoscope 3 is one of the most advanced and reliable scanning probe microscopes (SPM) on the market. It is designed with a unique patented, tactile controlled feedback system, allowing for accurate and repeatable tip positioning during scan mode operation. This allows for extremely precise, non-destructive, nanotechnology-based measurements in a variety of applications. The SPM utilizes a piezoelectric or flexure based scanning stage to translate along x, y, and z axes. The XY stage ranges from nanometer to micrometer resolution, with a lowest set-point resolution of 4nm; and the Z-axis set-point resolution is typically 1nm. This microscope features both optical and scanning microscopy techniques, combining them to produce high-resolution images. The specimen is positioned between a low-vacuum sample chamber and a high-precision tip-scanning actuator. The Piezo operated scan head incorporates an in-built load-servo sensor, providing accurate and repeatable positioning over the entire scan range. This allows for Nanoscope 3 to acquire data from extremely small, precise surface areas. Additionally, VEECO Nanoscope 3 utilizes physiological piezoelectric sensors to measure the movement of the sample relative to the scan head. The sample positioning and the corresponding image formation processes are managed by a high-end multi-tasking computer interface. The software allows the user to easily select measurement parameters and analyze collected data. It also allows the operator to view image/data overlay, as well as supporting both vector and non-vector output formats. Nanoscope 3 is capable of producing images of surface features, of a size as small as 0.5nm, with an image resolution of up to 41 nanometers. This makes it an extremely useful instrument for research and observations in the nanotechnology sector. It is capable of measuring nanotubes, nanowires, and thin films, with its integrated scanning electron microscope (SEM) and contact mode imaging capabilities. In conclusion, VEECO Nanoscope 3 is a top-of-the-line scanning probe microscope. It is highly accurate and reliable, due to its integrated feedback system and ability to produce extremely precise images and measurements. The software allows for convenient data acquisition and analysis, making it an indispensable tool in the field of nanotechnology.
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