Used OPTICAL GAGING PRODUCTS / OGP Smartscope MVP 250 #9284243 for sale

ID: 9284243
Vintage: 2000
Video measuring machine 2004 vintage.
OPTICAL GAGING PRODUCTS / OGP Smartscope MVP 250 is an advanced optical comparator, expertly designed to produce precise, accurate measurements. It is well-suited for a range of industries, from automotive to medical. Its modular design allows it to be adapted for specific applications, making it a versatile and powerful tool. At its core, OGP Smartscope MVP 250 relies on a high-resolution digital camera and powerful software to make accurate and precise measurements. By utilizing optical imaging technology, OPTICAL GAGING PRODUCTS Smartscope MVP 250 can identify even the most intricate features at varying levels of magnification. This allows for extremely detailed measurements of complex geometric shapes. To further improve its accuracy, Smartscope MVP 250 utilizes a host of advanced optical features. These include a range of simple and advanced circle-reading tactics and sophisticated algorithms, to ensure the highest possible degree of accuracy. Additionally, OPTICAL GAGING PRODUCTS / OGP Smartscope MVP 250's flexible LED illumination ensures consistent measurements, no matter the type of material in use. In addition to its advanced optics, OGP Smartscope MVP 250 also features a variety of measurement tools to help you achieve the highest level of accuracy. From powerful auto-focus to precise angular measurements, its range of features simplify otherwise complex tasks and help you get the job done quickly and efficiently. And for those who need finely-controlled measurements, OPTICAL GAGING PRODUCTS Smartscope MVP 250 can be adjusted to deliver incredibly precise results. It also comes with a range of accessories, including multi-axis rotary stages and a variety of probes and styluses to help facilitate highly accurate measurements in three-dimensional space. Overall, Smartscope MVP 250 is a reliable and powerful optical comparator. With its wide array of features, advanced imaging technology, and precise measurements, this versatile tool is suitable for a wide range of industries, and will help you make precise measurements with ease and accuracy.
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