Used ASTEX AX 7685 #293642868 for sale

AX 7685
ID: 293642868
6L Remote Plasma source (RPS).
ASTEX AX 7685 is a state-of-the-art wafer processing equipment designed for a variety of wafer processing applications such as cleaning, coating and semiconductor fabrication. The system can accommodate wafer sizes up to 200 mm and is designed to work with a variety of different process chambers, including plasma etch, deposition, oxidation and wet exposure systems. AX 7685 enables users to process wafers quickly and efficiently while maintaining excellent precision and control. The unit is composed of four main components: the multi-zone linear transport machine (LTS), plasma etch chamber, flood chamber, and process chamber. The LTS is designed to transport wafers safely and reliably through the tool, eliminating any risk of cross-contamination. The plasma etch chamber takes advantage of the higher etch rates associated with plasma-based processing to improve etch uniformity and reduce feature edges. The flood chamber uses an array of LEDs to ensure consistent process lithography on the wafer. Finally, the process chamber allows for temperature, pressure and process recipe control, providing users with maximum flexibility for wafer processing. ASTEX AX 7685 offers innovative features to ensure that wafers are consistently processed to the highest quality. The asset features a useable process area of 800 cm2 with a precision of ±2.5µm, providing users with the highest resolution and accuracy. Additionally, the model is designed to reduce the effects of environmental contamination, such as air-dust particles, static electricity, and vibration during wafer processing. Moreover, to ensure the utmost safety and accuracy, the equipment also comes with a comprehensive monitoring system to track wafer-level process data and safety alarms. AX 7685 is a powerful and reliable wafer processing systems designed to work in high-volume production environments while still maintaining the highest levels of precision and accuracy. The unit can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of the user's application, ensuring maximum flexibility and cost-efficiency. With its ability to process both large and small wafers, ASTEX AX 7685 is a perfect choice for those wanting to increase their wafer processing capacity and improve their wafer quality.
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