Used PROTEMP 203272 #9172423 for sale
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PROTEMP 203272 is an oven/furnace designed for industrial use, which is capable of providing excellent production results without impacting the environment. It features an integrated, efficient heating and cooling equipment to ensure uniformity of temperature throughout the entire chamber. The furnace also features a durable, double-wall aluminum construction, which promotes greater safety and energy efficiency. 203272 is powered by a three-phase electric heating system and utilizes precise and quiet fan-forced air circulation. The dual-tanks provide uniform temperature throughout the entire chamber, with independent temperature control for each tank and an integrated temperature controller. The oven/furnace is designed to use either natural or propane gas, providing industry-standard safety features that ensure a safe working environment. PROTEMP 203272 features a reverse-flamed burner unit, which is designed to cut down on emissions to help protect the environment. Its interior is designed with two sets of dense ceramic firebricks, which ensure a long life and excellent fuel efficiency. It also features an adjustable air intake valve that helps reach higher temperatures with better energy efficiency. The multiple layers of insulation that cover the furnace further ensure excellent energy efficiency while also preserving the combustible elements inside. 203272 has a variety of sophisticated safety features, including automatic safety shutoffs, an electronic ignition machine, an exhaust damp-out device, and a secondary limit switch. All of these features are designed to help protect workers and the environment from temperature and gas leaks. In addition, its easy-access door ensures easy entry and cleaning of the interior components, and its heavy-duty door seals prevent any potential emission of fumes. Overall, PROTEMP 203272 is an oven/furnace designed to provide excellent production results while not impacting the environment. With its integrated, efficient heating and cooling tool, durable construction, reverse-flamed burner asset and a variety of sophisticated safety features, it is an excellent choice for a variety of industrial applications.
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