Used RTC / RADIANT TECHNOLOGY M100 #9018026 for sale

ID: 9018026
Tabletop belt furnace Max. temperature: 300°C.
RTC / RADIANT TECHNOLOGY M100 is an oven / furnace highly efficient and reliable technology designed for many industrial and large-scale applications. It has an ultra-wide band of tunable radiation typically ranging from 450 to 1100nm. The oven / furnace is a sector-shaped equipment which makes the energy come from the side walls in the form of microwaves. It provides a large, uniform energy distribution and uniform temperature with fast drying. The oven / furnace is equipped with advanced control systems that ensure stable temperatures and uniform radiative heat distribution throughout the cabinet. The control system features integrated safety feedback with warning alarms in case of temperature overshoot or instability. All controls for the oven/furnace are accessible on the user-friendly control panel and a Detachable Cool Edge Interface allows remote control. The powerful radiation and intelligent feedback loop enable rapid heating and cooling even over large areas. RTC M100 oven/furnace uses cooling methods that keep parts cool in the oven, including the Radiant Flame Compressor, which uses radiant energy to cool smaller parts placed on an aluminum plate that sits between the irradiating bodies. The power of RADIANT TECHNOLOGY M-100 is adjustable over a range of 10kW to 30kW, making it suitable for a wide range of industrial applications. Its robust stainless steel construction makes it especially resistant to corrosion. The inside of the oven / furnace is also coated with a special air-retarding material to minimize oxidation. For well managed operation, RADIANT TECHNOLOGY M100 oven / furnace also has automatic exhaust and air recirculation systems. This helps to reduce harmful byproducts and gases. The carbon efficient unit and circular heat exchange also help to promote energy savings and powerful performance. The machine meets the high temperature requirements of heavy industry. The oven / furnace RTC / RADIANT TECHNOLOGY M-100 is likely to prove beneficial for many industrial applications: rubber, plastic and ceramic manufacturers are likely to benefit from the product's powerful performance and fast heating times, while the metal and glass industries may appreciate the uniform heating, consistent temperature control and corrosion protection it offers.
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