Used AERONCA WIS 150 #105310 for sale

WIS 150
ID: 105310
Vintage: 1985
Particle tester 1985 vintage.
AERONCA WIS 150 is a particle counter device used to identify and analyze particles in the air. It uses an advanced laser diffraction detection equipment to accurately count and measure particles in the air ranging in size from 0.05 μm to 20 μm in diameter. WIS 150 particle counter consists of three main components: a sample chamber, a detection chamber, and a software system. The sample chamber of AERONCA WIS 150 particle counter is designed to take in a single sample of air flowing through it. Air is drawn in at the inlet of the sample chamber and then passes through a sample grid and then out of the exit. This efficient, focused design gives the particle counter the ability to accurately measure particle size. The detection chamber is the where the actual counting and measuring of the particles takes place. It contains a laser light source and a sensor and electronics device that accurately identify the particles contained in the sample. As the particles pass through the sample chamber and into the detection chamber, the laser diffraction detection unit constantly notifies the counter, which then updates the count. Finally, WIS 150 particle counter includes a software machine to store, analyze, and interpret the measurements. The software is programmable, so users can customize the data points being collected to better fit the user's needs and specifications. They can also adjust the sensitivity levels to ensure that the count is accurate and reliable. Additionally, the software can generate comprehensive plots, charts and summaries for the data collected in real time for the user's convenience. AERONCA WIS 150 particle counter is a powerful and reliable tool used to measure and analyze air particles. Its efficient design ensures accurate counts, its customizable software allows for tailored procedures, and its results can be easily summarized and depicted for convenient use.
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