Used MALVERN NanoSight LM10-HSB #9298580 for sale

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ID: 9298580
Nanoparticle system Blue laser High sensitivity EMCCD camera.
MALVERN NanoSight LM10-HSB is a particle counter used to optically measure the sizes and concentrations of nanoparticles suspended in a liquid. It allows users to visualize single particles, offering a straightforward, non-destructive method for sizing and counting nanoparticles in suspensions. It can provide distribution of the counts of particles with different sizes from 10nm to 1000nm. The instrument utilizes dynamic light scattering (DLS) technology for measuring particle sizes in nanometer-scale colloidal dispersions. A laser focuses a quasi-monochromatic light at a set point of your sample. Any two particles, or particle and surface, will scatter a light that is detectable through theLM10-HSB detector. As the relative size and volume of the particle determines the amount of scattered light, the size and concentration the particles can be determined from the intensity of the scattered light. The machine also makes use of microfluidic technology. The liquid sample flows through a microvascular monolithic chip with self-assembling geometry. The channels through which the sample travels are connected in a specific pattern to create a uniform flow throughout the chip that ensures accurate and reliable data collection. This setup provides even mixing to ensure that all particles in the suspension are measured. NanoSight LM10-HSB is equipped with an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI). It allows the user to configure and adjust the settings for sample, laser, camera, as well as view and analyze the results. It can generate results in real-time, as well as store and save data for future analysis. The machine is best used in research and clinical applications like monitoring drug delivery, bioprocess development, gene and protein delivery, as well as virus characterization. This particle counter is designed for easy use with minimal setup requirements. It offers an accurate and reliable method for counting and sizing of the nanoparticles and provides users with insight into the properties of their chosen sample. MALVERN NanoSight LM10-HSB is a robust and precise instrument ideal for applications that require a detailed analysis of particle properties.
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