Used ASYMTEK MM-FSLD-STD #293634915 for sale
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ASYMTEK MM-FSLD-STD is a state-of-the-art selective soldering equipment designed for superior auto-boarding and fast, high-volume soldering jobs. The system can handle boards up to 551mm in size, and with two soldering heads, solders up to 6,000 parts per hour. For even higher throughput, the optional high-speed soldering head can solder up to 10,000 parts per hour. Additionally, the X & Y axes are driven by a machine vision centering unit, enabling precise and accurate placement of fluxes and solders. The machine also features robotic pre-heating and flux delivery, so all part connections are soldered exactly and efficiently. The solder package comprises a variety of no-clean and leaded solders, and the user-friendly interface is easily programmable with a range of parameters like temperature setting, flux volume and melting time. With its advanced thermal management tool, the asset provides stable, repeatable results even on complex designs. The advanced SQC (Functional Inspection) software offers defect verification and traceability, ensuring that the assembly complies with the customers' quality requirements. The model is also compatible with many of the leading CAD systems, simplifying the integration of design files and reducing design-to-production lead times. MM-FSLD-STD is a fully automated, flexible soldering equipment that enables automated setup, part loading, fluxing, soldering and final inspection in one unified process. This allows for significant reductions in process time, higher throughput and increased quality, making it an ideal choice for PC board assembly and manufacturing.
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