Used ASYMTEK X-1010 #293652430 for sale
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ASYMTEK X-1010 is a pc board assembly and manufacturing equipment designed for high throughput, flexibility and reliability. The system is comprised of several sub-systems including a conveyor unit, pick and place controller, vision machine and a dispensing tool. The conveyor asset is at the heart of ASYMTEK X 1010, providing adjustable speed conveyance of pc boards and components. It is equipped with a high-speed shuttle, ensuring fast spool ups and quick cycle start times. The shuttle also allows for transition from single board placement to multi-board placement with ease. The pick and place controller is designed for accuracy and repeatability with an excellent pick and place precision. This precision makes X-1010 ideal for low-volume, high-mix production processes. The controller has the capability to pick up last-place-positioned components, eliminating the need for additional conveyors and thus, optimizing the model's overall throughput. Vision systems are an integral part of X 1010. It includes a high-resolution camera and automated recognition software to ensure precise component placement. The depth of field of the vision equipment also allows for quick identification of components on the circuit boards, allowing for faster setup and reload times. Finally, the dispensing system provides accurate jetting of adhesives and other fluids that may be required for certain assemblies. The unit includes both syringe and valve-based dispensers, allowing for optimal handling of fluids, including viscous adhesives and pastes. Furthermore, the machine is able to precisely dispense multiple small drops, making it ideal for delicate electronic components. Overall, ASYMTEK X-1010 is an ideal pc board assembly and manufacturing tool for fast-paced, precise performance. With precision controllers, accurate vision recognition, and sophisticated dispensing systems, ASYMTEK X 1010 is a reliable, cost-effective solution for high-volume and low-volume manufacturing processes alike.
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