Used DEC VAX4000 90A #293670189 for sale

DEC VAX4000 90A
ID: 293670189
Workstation Used for NIKON NSR 2205 i11/i12 i-Line stepper.
DEC VAX4000 90A is a high-end PC board assembly and manufacturing equipment designed to streamline manufacturing and assembly processes. This system is designed to bridge the gap between the traditional manual labor and automated processes by providing a unit that delivers both speed and accuracy in a single package. VAX4000 90A features a 30-piece feeder, a high-resolution X-Y positioning table, a rotating table for component positioning, and an array of built-in vision machine cameras. This tool uses a "floating head" assembly, in which each feeder and the camera head moves independently of one another, facilitating fast and accurate placement of components onto the board. DEC VAX4000 90A also features enhanced electrical test technology that can detect and test minute variations in electrical signals between components, allowing components to be properly fitted and mounted to the board quickly and accurately. This asset comes with an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI), providing users with a visually intuitive means for manipulating and controlling the board assembly process. Furthermore, VAX4000 90A has a robust communications protocol suite, allowing it to swiftly connect, upload, and download data related to the PCB assembly process. This protocol can be used to pass information from one computer to another, both on and offsite. For example, an engineer can analyze the data from DEC VAX4000 90A to determine the best way to assemble and manufacture a PCB. VAX4000 90A is a powerful and versatile model for PC board assembly and manufacturing. This equipment has a robust communications protocol suite and a powerful GUI to enable fast and efficient assembly and manufacturing of PCBs. Additionally, this system includes advanced electrical test technology, providing users with the ability to accurately assess and mount components to boards quickly and appropriately. For these reasons, DEC VAX4000 90A is a valuable tool for PCB assembly and manufacturing.
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