Used ESSEMTEC Paraquda #9261664 for sale
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ID: 9261664
Vintage: 2013
Pick and place machine
Feeder racks:
PC-FR-MA-CLM Feeder rack (Master) for up to 3 feeder plate CLM940
(18) CLM940 Feeder plates for CLM feeder
(5) PC-FR- SL-CLM feeder racks (Slave) for up to 3 feeder plate CLM940
CLM950-LED Feeder cassette
10x8 With intelligent interface 2-Color LED status signal
CLM952-LED Feeder cassette
3x16 With intelligent interface 2- Color LED status signal
Reel holders for 7" for tapes and 12mm and 15" for tapes
CLM955-LED Feeder cassette: 16mm
7x12 With intelligent interface 2-Color LED status signal
Reel holders 7" CLM957-LED feeder cassette
3x24, 1x16 With intelligent interface 2-Color LED status signal
Reel holders for 1x7", 3x15"
Stick feeder:
PC-CLM960 Intelligent vibratory feeder cassette for components in sticks
Capacity: (10) Units component
Working hours: <1,000
Operating system: Windows 7
2013 vintage.
ESSEMTEC Paraquda is a powerful and efficient PC board assembly and manufacturing equipment that offers automated solutions and accurate precision for a wide range of PCB-based products. This system has been designed to provide the highest possible levels of operational productivity and cost effectiveness. Esssemtec Paraquda's automated assembly unit is a highly consistent and reliable platform for the manufacturing of complex and high-value products. Its extensive component handling capabilities allow for various electronic components to be accurately placed in different arrays. The machine also offers accurate placement of adhesive components, flip chip processes, conformal coating solutions, and precise solder pasting. Its high-end tracking functions enable all processes to be precisely monitored. For maximum efficiency and cost savings, Esssemtec ESSEMTEC Paraquda incorporates batch programming techniques. These processes enable a single production file to be used to program multiple assemblies simultaneously with minimal modification. This process accelerates the production and manufacturing process while eliminating costly paper operations. Esssemtec Paraquda also includes Ethernet communication port that allows for rapid updating of programs across multiple engineering systems. This ensures that any future changes to the design can be quickly and accurately incorporated into production. Additionally, the tool also offers an SMEMA interface allowing it to operate in a distributed and automated environment. The asset is also equipped with a high-resolution vision model for object recognition and quality inspections. This enables automated optical inspection of components, such as soldering defect identification and board warp detection. Furthermore, the equipment also integrates advanced vision functions such as dimension measurement, individual component identification, and part unification. In conclusion, Esssemtec ESSEMTEC Paraquda is a powerful and cost effective tool for advanced PCB-based manufacturing. It offers sophisticated automation and precision functionality for a wide range of PCB-based products. The system includes innovative features such as Ethernet communications, SMEMA interface, batch programming, and vision-based object recognition. Its advanced functions enable efficient production, quick and accurate design changes and improved product quality.
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