Used FAMECS FU-300E #9117935 for sale

ID: 9117935
Vintage: 2006
Unloaders 2006 vintage.
FAMECS FU-300E is an automated PC board assembly and manufacturing equipment that allows for fast and efficient production of PCBs. The system utilizes advanced robotic technology to accurately place components onto the PCBs at high speed and with minimal errors. FU-300E is a fully self-contained unit, designed to be used within a production-level environment. The machine begins with the component placement tool loading the components in their predetermined locations. As the components are placed, FAMECS FU-300E utilizes precision sensors to accurately measure and compare the actual location of the components to the target locations. If the components do not meet the specified criteria, the robot automatically adjusts to get them in the right position. This ensures that the components are placed accurately and consistently. After placement of the components, FU-300E uses a soldering tool that utilizes computer-controlled thermal profiles to accurately control the temperature of the soldering joints. This ensures that the solder joints are uniform, with little trouble related to cold solder joints. After the soldering process is done, the asset uses X-Ray inspection technology to verify that all components are present and attached correctly. This model also takes images of the boards for analysis and to ensure that no defects are present. Finally, the boards are subjected to Automated Optical Inspections, or AOI, to further check for any PCB build errors. FAMECS FU-300E is an intelligent, reliable, and efficient equipment for manufacturing and assembly of PCB boards. With its combination of precision robotics, soldering system and automated inspection processes, FU-300E is able to offer consistent quality control at high speeds, reducing the total cost to manufacture PCBs. It is capable of accommodating a wide range of PCBs, including multiple sizes, shapes, and number of layers. With its world-class support, FAMECS FU-300E is an excellent choice for any manufacturing operation looking to increase quality and reduce costs in its PCB assembly line.
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