Used FUJI GL 541E #9188805 for sale

ID: 9188805
Vintage: 1998
Glue dispenser 1998 vintage.
FUJI GL 541E 'pc board assembly and manufacturing' equipment is an advanced electronic production line that provides customers with high-speed assembly and reliable assembly quality in a compact assembly line. The system features automated processes including printing, joining and testing, and has an advanced control unit to ensure the quality of the assembly. The machine is designed to produce both single- and double-sided printed circuit boards (PCBs). It encompasses a wide range of process steps such as component placement, wave soldering, and reflow soldering, making it ideal for high volume production. All operations can be performed at a high speed, with a maximum speed of 2,200 components per hour. Operation is also simplified with FUJI developed software, which allows for easy programming of the tool. The PCB assembly line also features a high-precision motorized component placement head that offers unprecedented accuracy with a minimum placement size of 0.3mm. Furthermore, it also supports a range of component types including BGA's, SMD's, and CSP's. In addition, the asset is equipped with a solder-flux stand, enabling accurate flux application onto all components before assembly. In order to guarantee the quality of the assembly, the model is equipped with an advanced vision inspection equipment that monitors all assembly operations. The system will detect any flaws or errors within each assembly stage, which can then be rectified in an efficient manner. Furthermore, FUJI GL541E is also designed to reduce noise levels, with an external soundproof enclosure and special noise suppressing equipment. In conclusion, GL-541E is a powerful production line for PCB assembly and manufacturing. It is designed to offer high speed, accuracy, and reliability throughout the entire process. Furthermore, with its built-in quality inspection unit, it allows customers to rest assured that their products will be of the highest quality.
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