Used OMRON VT-RNS2-M3 #9285190 for sale

ID: 9285190
Vintage: 2011
Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI) system Type: Desktop 2011 vintage.
OMRON VT-RNS2-M3 is a PC board assembly and manufacturing equipment developed for modern industrial needs. This is a model-based system incorporating the latest technological advancements in robotics, computing, and communication to maximize both efficiency and quality. With its state-of-the-art features, it is capable of mounting components onto a board in the most intricate of patterns, handles component widths of up to 1.2mm, and has a 75µm resolution in component placement. This model offers a high speed production line, with an Automotive Standard Interface (ASI) to interface with a wide range of manufacturing equipment and allows for several simultaneous manufacturing processes. VT-RNS2-M3 can be used for both prototyping and mass production, and is designed to be easily customized for specific applications. The unit utilizes a multi-track head design with an extended head (E-head) to ensure tremendous stability and speed of operation. The head can automatically adjust its position in order to best suit the components in use. Its flexible arm mechanisms can move up to 450mm per second, while still maintaining incredibly accurate positioning for components of different sizes. OMRON VT-RNS2-M3 is built with a control machine that is both efficient and user-friendly. It is designed with an intuitive graphical interface that enables employees to easily program, monitor, and adjust the settings for the entire setup. This is combined with a built-in Ethernet connection for connecting to other machines or external networks, allowing the tool to interact with the rest of a manufacturing facility. The asset also implements a hierarchical model of safety equipment to ensure the safety of people and equipment and also utilizes advanced sensors for whole board inspection and debugging. VT-RNS2-M3 is a powerful PC board assembly and manufacturing equipment, designed to excel in its intended applications. It's combination of design and technology make it an excellent choice for any factory, and provide a reliable and efficient means for industrial production.
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