Used PROMATION TC-100-2 #293668695 for sale
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PROMATION TC-100-2 is a computer- aided, PC board assembly and manufacturing equipment specifically designed for light- or medium-volume production applications. TC-100-2 system is integrated with a fully automated, high-speed, pick-and-place assembly process that includes a feeder shuttle, feeder unit, and conveyor. The machine also features a quick job changeover and the ability to services multiple types of components. PROMATION TC-100-2 utilizes a vision inspection tool and camera component recognition to accurately align and identify components. This feature ensures minimum component placement errors. The automated conveyor asset then transports the boards between stages with efficient SMEMA communication for improved process times, allowing for uninterrupted flow of the pick-and-place process. The board handling model can accommodate multiple board sizes, as well as standard, odd shaped and double-sided boards. The equipment also includes a motion control system designed to provide an optimized and cost-effective cycle time. This unit offers a full range of speed options that include acceleration/deceleration and ramping as well as programmable acceleration and velocities. This allows for the board to move from one stage to another without delay. The PC board assembly machine also includes sophisticated camera- and-laser positioning technologies that enable precise placement of components. The vision inspection tool uses this technology to accurately position and Rotate components, which is essential for accurate assembly. In addition, the asset can recognize different types of components and handles components repeatedly, ensuring them as accurate placement on the boards. The automated board loading, inspection, and placement process helps reduce overall assembly times. TC-100-2 model is also compliant with ESEMA and UL508A safety regulation and protocols. This ensures that the equipment functions safely, as well as efficiently and accurately. In addition, the system has been designed to be easy to use and maintain. Its minimal setup requirements and friendly HMI allows for quick access for all unit operations and settings. Overall, PROMATION TC-100-2 machine is an ideal solution for light- or medium-volume production applications in manufacturing industries. It provides precise, efficient component placement and integrates easily into any existing tool. The asset is also compliant with safety standards and helps save time and costs with its efficient and reliable performance.
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