Used SAMSUNG CP-40CV #293604847 for sale
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SAMSUNG CP-40CV is a programmable pc board assembly and manufacturing equipment designed to reduce cost and cycle-time while increasing throughput. This system is based on the latest technology and is capable of handling a wide variety of board shapes and sizes, making it highly versatile. The unit is equipped with a bottom down look-ahead technology, as well as fine pitch vision machine to ensure accurate and precise placement of electronic components. The advanced software ensures the tool is able to reliably check the presence and absence of components, as well as detect wrong polarity and mis-placed components for higher assembly quality. CP-40CV utilizes a Force Torque Control (FTC) asset, which ensures accurate and repeatable placement of components even during mishandling or severe drop conditions by applying the precise force and torque. This model also enables independent board handling, allowing the user to select which boards to place the components and this increases the production flexibility. SAMSUNG CP-40CV utilizes a high speed Mapping Capability to reduce processing and inspection time. This means that the equipment allows for speedier and more accurate inspection, leading to an increase in production cycle times and throughput. The system also comes with an automated board Protection Unit, which monitors and protects the boards from environmental contamination and potential damage, as well as static electricity. This increases the machine's reliability and board yield. Furthermore, CP-40CV is designed to offer an easier and faster programming of new assemblies. The tool allows for easy error-correction compared to the traditional methods, which reduces downtime and assists in the maintenance of the machine. SAMSUNG CP-40CV is an advanced pc board assembly and manufacturing asset. It incorporates a number of features and technologies, such as bottom down look-ahead, Force Torque Control, Automated board Protection Model, as well as a high speed Mapping Equipment to provide a cost-efficient and accurate production platform. The system provides increased throughput and reduced cycle times while allowing users to handle different board shapes and sizes.
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