Used SAMSUNG Manncorp CP-20 #9312443 for sale

SAMSUNG Manncorp CP-20
ID: 9312443
Pick and place machine.
SAMSUNG CP-20 is a reliable PC board assembly and manufacturing equipment with a superior cost-down structure. This system gives users the ability to efficiently and effectively assemble up to seven boards in parallel with greater precision. It is designed and constructed to manage the entire assembly process, from tooling to inspection, while eliminating unnecessary downtime. This unit uses four integrated side-to-side placement machines, obviating the need for manual layout and soldering tasks. This allows for up to 5 board simultaneously assembly per machine, with the ability to join two face-up boards together, or one-by-one for long boards. Its improved capabilities include automatic component detection that prevents errors and helps ensure reliability, even at high speeds. Furthermore, it's auto-correction feature enables the machine to adjust soldering temperature according to the type of component, so that the best level of soldering can be achieved. The tool is compatible with newer, high-end, more complex boards, allowing for a greater level of control during the manufacturing process. With its precision tools, the asset is capable of handling 0402 components securely, and completely eliminating the misalignment potential with 0603 and 0805 components. Additionally, the low minimum pressure space model of this board prevents not only component shift but also stop premature soldering due to high temperatures. Furthermore, SAMSUNG Manncorp CP-20 equipment is equipped with an AI-based inspection machine to ensure that all products are of superior quality after production. The comprehensive system detects any soldering abnormalities in comparison to the original board, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of each product. The unit can also identify defective parts, reducing waste and production costs as well as customer dissatisfaction. Overall, CP-20 PC board assembly and manufacturing machine is designed to maximize production efficiency while ensuring superior product quality. Through its advanced feature set, users can reap the benefits of maximum board quality and reliability within a cost-efficient structure.
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