Used SAMSUNG SDB-30B #9159944 for sale

ID: 9159944
Vintage: 2011
Systems 2011 vintage.
SAMSUNG SDB-30B is an advanced high-speed PC board assembly and manufacturing equipment. The system is designed to offer automated assembly and component insertion, as well as to improve accuracy and consistency. It consists of several components, as well as a custom-designed user environment. The unit contains an array of cutting-edge components that are specifically designed to be utilized in PCB assembly and production. This includes a modular conveyor machine, a SMEMA-compliant feeder station, and a vision-inspection station. The modular conveyor tool is designed to move components from one station to the next. This ensures quick setup and allows for easy changes should a component or board need to be changed. The SMEMA-compliant feeder station is designed to automatically feed components to the placement area, eliminating the need for manual setup. Finally, the vision-inspection station is designed to automatically check the components, boards, and finished product for defects. The asset also includes advanced software that is designed to improve its performance. This includes software designed to track the production process, provide comprehensive model feedback, and monitor component placement accuracy. This software is also designed to allow users to quickly change/adapt the equipment to specific production needs, as well as generate detailed reports about the system performance. The unit also features an advanced human-machine interface (HMI). With an easy-to-use touchscreen, the HMI is designed to be intuitive and straight-forward, allowing users to easily access relevant information and quickly adjust settings. It also offers quick access to process progress, alarm history, and troubleshooting information, all of which are designed to help users diagnose problems quickly. SDB-30B is an advanced PC board assembly and manufacturing machine. Its combination of cutting-edge components, advanced software, and intuitive HMI make it ideal for both large-scale and small-scale production facilities. With its capacity to provide high-quality components at a faster rate, it is an excellent choice for any company seeking to improve their PCB assembly and production processes.
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