Used SAMSUNG SM-320 #9101377 for sale

ID: 9101377
Vintage: 2004
Chip mounter, 2004 vintage.
SAMSUNG SM-320 is a pc board assembly and manufacturing equipment designed with the latest technologies to provide convenience and quality in the pc board assembly and manufacturing process. This system features a unique layout which ensures the seamless integration of various parts and components. It also provides quick turnaround time for the fabrication of pc board assembly and manufacturing processes. This unit is equipped with multi-purposed loading modules designed to simultaneously manage multiple processes including pc board assembly, de-paneling, wave soldering, and component mounting. This feature also provides for quick and precise calibration and adjustment of the loading modules into the pc board assembly and manufacturing process. The machine is capable of carrying out a wide range of process including component centering, stencil printing, soldering, reflow, and wave soldering. For increased accuracy, the tool is equipped with auto inspection tools to detect errors in the assembly processes. This asset also features a closed loop controlling model which ensures that all processes ordered and performed on the equipment are properly aligned with customers' requirements. SAMSUNG SM 320 is also equipped with an advanced vision system designed to identify and measure required components. This unit also performs real-time checking on components already installed and monitors any discrepancies before, during and after the assembly process. Additionally, it has integrated thermal control machine to control the temperature for various processes to ensure quality production. SM-320 is designed with a robust framework structure to withstand heavy loads and provides vibration resistant stability. Its shockless operation feature protects components and boards from damage during the moving and positioning processes. It is able to quickly adjust to changing environment temperatures for consistent high-speed and reliable performance. Lastly, SM 320 is also designed with ergonomic considerations in mind. It has an easy maintenance and easy-to-replace parts to reduce downtime and minimize possible errors during maintenance.
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