Used SAMSUNG SM-451 #9233275 for sale

ID: 9233275
Vintage: 2014
Pick and place machine 2014 vintage.
SAMSUNG SM-451 PC Board Assembly and Manufacturing Equipment is a high quality, cost effective, automated solution for producing printed circuit board assemblies. It is a multi-stage system that provides a full range of production capabilities, from initial component placement to final unit testing. SM-451 provides advanced machine features to help maximize production efficiency and minimize downtime. SAMSUNG SM-451 offers high speed component placement, with separately servo-controlled X-Y rapid positioning and Z-axis vision pickup head that can identify and place components with accuracy and repeatability. The tool also features automated optical recognition (AOR) software, which automatically adjusts component and substrate sizes and shapes for optimal accuracy and placement. With high placement speed and accurate performance, SM-451 can produce printed circuit board assemblies quickly and reliably. The asset also features robust tooling systems that allow for a wide variety of component shapes and sizes. A single tool changer supports up to 8 tools, allowing for diverse products to be placed in a single run. SAMSUNG SM-451 also includes an advanced fault detection model that helps to identify any faults in the components' placement and operation quickly and accurately. SM-451 includes an onboard command processor and real-time control equipment, which allows for fast, dynamic updates and adjustments to the production process. This real-time control system also allows for faster response to changes in component availability and demand. Finally, the unit includes an advanced maintenance facility that provides advanced reporting capabilities and easy-to-follow assembly instructions to ensure efficient, reliable production. SAMSUNG SM-451 provides reliable, cost effective production capabilities for producing printed circuit board assemblies quickly and accurately. The machine's advanced tooling, AOR software, fault detection tool, real-time command processor, and maintenance facility allow for optimized production and maintenance operations. With SM-451, quality, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency can be achieved together.
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