Used SIEMENS S-Type #9097289 for sale

ID: 9097289
Lot of feeders.
SIEMENS S-Type is a pc board assembly and manufacturing equipment that is equipped with sophisticated automation and data analysis technology. This series of systems is designed to provide rapid setup and assembly of pc board assemblies with high accuracy and repeatability. It includes a series of advanced controllers, software tools, and accessories that help speed up and improve the assembly of pc board products. S-Type system is highly automated and includes a range of features including automated compensations for thermal expansion and warp, as well as automatic inspection. It is able to accurately measure, manipulate, and add components to pc boards, as well as to detect the presence of components that are not correctly aligned or have poor connections. This helps to reduce the time it takes to perform assembly processes. SIEMENS S-Type unit also includes a robot-mounted conveyor machine (Sight Feed™) that feeds and aligns components, a pick and place machine (Move 150-F) that moves components into place, and a vision camera (V90) that is used to detect the presence of components on the pc boards. The tool also includes a tooling asset, which includes a drill-brush machine (PB-50) for the insertion of components, a separator-sheet machine (SWL-0) that separates the layers of components, and a separator-rack machine (SPR-0) that separates component layers into individual parts. S-Type model can also be customized with a variety of accessories and options to ensure proper assembly and verification of the pc board products. This includes a range of auto-assembly fine-tuning tools that are used to fine-tune the placement of components, as well as a variety of test facilities used to detect and measure electrical currents and resistance in the electrical components. In addition to its automation and data analysis capabilities, SIEMENS S-Type equipment includes a robust Quality Management System (QMS) that is used to monitor and analyze the performance and quality assurance requirements of the pc board assembly process. The QMS enables users to analyze production data and check for possible production problems as well as to quickly implement corrective actions. Overall, S-Type is an advanced and highly automated pc board assembly and manufacturing unit that is designed to reduce the time and effort necessary to complete assembly processes with high accuracy and repeatability. It includes a series of sophisticated controllers, software tools, and accessories, as well as a robust Quality Management Machine (QMS). By employing these systems and tools in the pc board assembly process, users can ensure that their pc board products are assembled with the highest level of accuracy and repeatability and with fewer mistakes.
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