Used UNIVERSAL GSM II #9106023 for sale

ID: 9106023
Pick and place machine.
UNIVERSAL GSM II is a PC board assembly and manufacturing equipment that combines ability to mount surface mount components, fully populated plated thru holes, and connections of fine pitch and BGA components. It is designed for reducing turnaround times in the prototyping, short-run, and low-volume production. The core of the system is a modular platform that incorporates a multi-level embossment process using patented stencil frames of a larger size compared to traditional models, while simultaneously reducing overhead costs and increasing accuracy. This allows users to achieve faster and more output with reliable accuracy. The key components of the platform include a force sensing unit, a solder wave module, a component mount machine, a vision tool, and an automated component pick and place asset. The force sensing model is designed to control the force of placement of BGA devices, ensuring precise placement and orientation. The laser solder wave module is capable of performing 8 different types of solder heating operations and provides smoother surface area for soldering. The component mount equipment is designed to accurately mount small components in compliance with high-quality standards. The vision system is used to provide optional verification of component placement to ensure accuracy and quality control. Finally, the automated component pick and place unit is designed to accurately place components onto the board, providing a fully populated board with minimal error. This platform is also designed to reduce throughput times with automated cooling and regeneration spikes to aid in reworking components. Furthermore, the integrated vision technology is customizable and allows users to carry out stringent quality checks to meet their industry manufacturing standards. With GSM II, users can fabricate two-layer and multi-layer printed circuit boards with higher speeds while still achieving high quality results with its accurate placement and vision verification capabilities. Overall, UNIVERSAL GSM II is a reliable PC board assembly and manufacturing machine that provides users with automated and accurate component placement and facilities faster throughput times. It is suitable for prototyping, short-run, and low-volume production.
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