Used YAMAHA i Pulse M10 #293676174 for sale
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ID: 293676174
Vintage: 2011
Pick and place machine
Front and rear feeder bank
(36) Front and rear feeders, 8mm
Front and rear camera
2011 vintage.
YAMAHA i Pulse M10 is a comprehensive pc board assembly and manufacturing equipment by YAMAHA Motor Co. Ltd. It is designed to produce high quality boards for a variety of industries. The system includes two controlled axis P&P machines, a DEK ProFlow Screen Printer, and a YS24 P&P loader. It also comes with an automatic PC board feeder, a soldering robot, a tacking robot, a selective soldering robot, a conveyor, and a CTII cleaner. All of these components help create a streamlined production line. The two controlled axes P&P machines can automatically pick up, place, and reflowof of components quickly and accurately. The DEK ProFlow Screen Printer is capable of printing using UV light, allowing for accurate cycling of printed components. The YS24 P&P loader has been designed to move PC boards via an XY transfer mechanism, thus allowing for quick and easy component placement. The automatic PC board feeder extends onto the rails in order to pick-up and unload PC boards off the assembly line's rails. This allows for a more efficient production process, as assembly steps can be completed without manual loading. The soldering robot, tacking robot, and selective soldering robot all serve the same purpose, to efficiently solder components onto the PC boards. The conveyor is used to transfer PC boards from one station to another throughout the assembly line. This eliminates the need for manual loading, thus increasing production efficiency. The CTII Cleaner is designed to remove excess flux, dust and other contaminants from the PC board, ensuring that they meet the high quality standards of YAMAHA M10 unit. All in all, M 10 machine is an efficient and cost-effective tool for producing high-quality PC boards. It has been designed to facilitate the efficient production of complex board designs, with all processes taking place on one efficiently designed production line. Its high-end components ensure that all boards produced are of the highest standard possible.
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