Used YAMAHA YVP-Xg #9135291 for sale

ID: 9135291
Vintage: 2004
Screen printer, 2004 vintage.
YAMAHA YVP-Xg is a pc board assembly and manufacturing equipment that has been designed to bridge the gap between the manual and automatic processes used to produce pc board assemblies. YVP-Xg includes features such as a Wave Solder System and a High Speed Dispense. The Wave Solder Unit makes use of the latest technology to ensure that components are soldered accurately and quickly, thereby providing a cost effective solution to the challenge of improving both the product quality and consistency of the process. The machine uses air pressure to help pass solder waves to ensure proper coverage of the components. The High Speed Dispense (HSD) is a fully automated tool that dispenses and automatically positions components on the pc boards in an accurate and efficient manner. The HSD asset is highly reliable and is capable of running complex programs that are developed according to the design of the pc boards. YAMAHA YVP-Xg also includes a SMT Pick-and-Place model that is capable of accurately positioning and placing components on the pc boards. The equipment utilizes integrated cameras that allow for precise placement and orientation of components on the boards. The SMT Pick-and-Place system is also capable of identifying and selecting components from a jukebox tray using a laser based automated part identification unit. YVP-Xg also includes a comprehensive test and evaluation machine that can provide real-time process diagnostics. This tool is comprised of multiple devices, such as a Flying Probe Tester, a Boundary Scan Tester, and a GPIO Tester, which allow the asset to detect and report any errors in the pc board assembly or pc board manufacturing process. Lastly, YAMAHA YVP-Xg also includes a flexible programmable automation controller, which provides the user with the ability to modify the model in order to meet the changing needs of their pc board assemblies. The automation controller takes the form of a programmable series of Open Source SCADA logic commands, which allow for rapid response times and better control of the equipment. With the combination of high speed machines, comprehensive test and evaluation systems, and a flexible programmable automation controller, YVP-Xg pc board assembly and manufacturing system is an ideal solution for both product quality and cost efficiency. YAMAHA YVP-Xg provides a powerful solution to bridge the gap between manual and automatic processes, ensuring that the pc board assemblies are produced with optimal accuracy and speed.
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