Used AGILENT / HP / HEWLETT-PACKARD / KEYSIGHT E5071C #9353161 for sale

ID: 9353161
Network analyzer Options: 2K5, 019, UNQ Operating system: Windows 10.
AGILENT / HP / HEWLETT-PACKARD / KEYSIGHT E5071C is a high performance network analyzer that is designed to deliver reliable and accurate measurements. With HP E5071C, users can measure the performance of a wide variety of electronic components and networks, up to 7 GHz. AGILENT E5071C is capable of S-parameter measurements, including reflection, transmission, and isolation measurements. It also offers support for digital VNA measurements, allowing accurate and reliable data-driven measurements of RF components and networks. E5071C offers a comprehensive set of features, starting with its extensive dynamic range. It offers users a wide range of measurement options, from dynamic range of 250 kHz to 7 GHz, with a minimum requirement of a calibrated 6 GHz vector network analyzer. This wide dynamic range ensures that users can take measurements with greater accuracy and reliability. KEYSIGHT E5071C also benefits from fast and accurate calibration and measurement functions. Its calibration time is around 1 minute, and the calibration accuracy is better than +-0.2 dB. This helps ensure that users get reliable and accurate data-driven results, every time. Additionally, HEWLETT-PACKARD E5071C features a built-in vector-reflectometer, making it ideal for characterizing and testing the full range of RF components. AGILENT / HP / HEWLETT-PACKARD / KEYSIGHT E5071C also includes a host of control and graphical data display options. It carries support for keyboard and mouse operations, remote control and software-based control settings. Plus, it carries an array of graphical user interface options, which make it easier for users to interpret their data. Finally, HP E5071C offers easy integration into existing RF testsystems, thanks to its ability to accept customer-specified software and hardware interfaces. Plus, it can be configured as either a standalone unit, or as part of a larger RF test system. This makes it a great choice for any company looking to improve their test system operations. In conclusion, AGILENT E5071C is an excellent power supply that offers reliable and accurate measurements. Its wide dynamic range ensures that users get accurate data each time, and its calibration time and accuracy are both excellent. Plus, it offers a wide selection of control and graphical user interface options, and it can be quickly and easily integrated into existing test systems.
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