Used MICROMANIPULATOR 6200 #9038347 for sale

ID: 9038347
Probe station Working table: (6) Coll wafers.
MICROMANIPULATOR 6200 is a precision prober designed for both manual and automated operation. It is a patented design and is available with either manual control or computer control systems for higher accuracy. 6200 provides high resolution motion control by combining an ultra-precise linear positioning system with a stiff, light-weight construction. The three orthogonal axes of motion offer 200mm of travel in the X, Y, and Z directions with precision resolution up to 0.1µm. MICROMANIPULATOR 6200 also offers both manual and electronic motion control with both coarse and fine positioning capabilities. The prober features an optically-encoded, non-contact, zero backlash linear encoder for each of the three axes of motion. This ensures superior performance and an accuracy of 0.5µm in all three axes. In addition, a 4th axis of motion is available as an optional feature. For ease of operation, the prober features an ergonomic touch-screen based control system. This intuitive GUI provides a user friendly interface for accessing the prober's motion control parameters. 6200 is capable of high precision probing and has an integrated wafer handling platform. This platform is designed to ensure high level accuracy and stability for both manual and automatic wafer manipulation. In addition, the prober is available adapted to both flat panel display manufacturing and microelectronic applications. The prober also offers a range of accessories for various applications including sample cryostats, probe cards and a stage unloading systems. MICROMANIPULATOR 6200 is both easy to use and highly accurate. It offers excellent performance, accurate motion control and an expansive range of accessories to suit your specific production needs. Whether you are using the prober manually or with automated systems, you can be sure you are getting superior performance every time.
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