Used SIGNATONE S-925 #131380 for sale
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SIGNATONE S-925 is a professional prober that offers high-precision measurement and testing capabilities. It is a precision-engineered piece of equipment that includes a series of sophisticated technologies, making it ideal for applications such as wafer probing and semiconductor testing. S-925 offers a range of features that make it suitable for high-precision requirements, including high-resolution optics, integrated advanced measurement technologies and extremely precise motion control capabilities. It can be used with a variety of probing tips, needles and probes to ensure accurate measurements in demanding applications. The prober utilizes a precision optical imaging technique that enables quick and accurate targeting of probe tips on a wafer. It has optical imaging resolution of up to 4 microns, and the imaging direction can be adjusted with micron-level accuracy. This allows users to accurately place probes on wafers and conduct reliable measurements with minimal errors. It is also equipped with advanced automatic limit testing bridge with CAD compatibility. This feature allows for efficient probing, auto testing and automatic data acquisition. This makes SIGNATONE S-925 suitable for custom applications and the ability to conform to various standards, such as IPC Class 2 and 3D-testing. The device utilizes a three-axis motion system that combines a compact design with exceptional precision and reliability. This includes a T-axis z-axis drive and x-axis drive. The T-axis comprises of a precision linear servo motor and a threaded lead screw. The z-axis works with a stepper motor, and the x-axis drive uses a high-performance servo motor. The combination of these drives allows for reliable and precise movement when conducting probing and testing. S-925 further offers a convenient user interface and powerful software package that enables users to set up tests quickly and predictably. It comes with a robust optical adapter, allowing users to quickly swap components without needing to recalibrate the device. It is also equipped with powerful security and encryption features, allowing users to protect confidential proprietary data. Overall, SIGNATONE S-925 is a reliable and precise prober that offers the ideal solution for high-precision testing applications. It is equipped with sophisticated technologies, robust features and a comprehensive software package that make it ideal for various types of testing and probing. This makes it a perfect choice for professionals who demand precision and reliability in their work.
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