Used TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON P-8 #9298903 for sale
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TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON P-8 is a semiconductor prober which is primarily used in test and materials analysis applications. This prober has a unique and innovative design that allows it to handle a variety of samples and probe stations. The equipment has an 8-row work station configuration, allowing multiple sensors and probes to be used on the same station. The prober is equipped with integrated coolers and a clamping mechanism offering precise sample stability. The prober has a choice of four main sensors for probing, each of which is designed to measure different properties of the sample material. With respect to force sensing, the system has a piezoelectric resonator, piezoresistive cantilever, and nanogauge force sensor to measure static, dynamic, and absolute force. This can be used to measure key parameters such as contact resistivity, contact area, and sliding forces. The prober also has a surface potential sensor to measure surface potential. This capability can be used to draw direct connections between surface traits such as contact resistance and sample material characteristics. The unit also has a choice of interchangeable configurations to adapt to specific probing needs. The machine has standard, manual, inverted, and reactive configurations. The standard configuration is used to perform bulk measurements on a sample. The manual configuration allows manual sample placement and adjustment to ensure precise measurement results. The inverted configuration allows samples to be bent or pushed onto the probe without damaging the sample or interfering with the measurement. The reactive configuration is used to generate a physical response to the probing process such as surface reaction or movement. TEL P8 prober is also equipped with temperature control and dynamic control systems. The temperature tool allows the sample to be adjusted with respect to sample parameters such as temperature, pressure, and force. The dynamic control asset maintains an optimum probing speed allowing for accurate results to be obtained. Overall, TOKYO ELECTRON P 8 prober is designed for precise and reliable testing and materials analysis applications. With its choice of sensors and interchangeable configurations, it ensures accurate measurements and results in a short time. The temperature control and dynamic control systems also help to ensure accurate measurements by providing excellent repeatability and exact control.
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