Used CTI-CRYOGENICS Cryo-Torr 8 #181578 for sale

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Cryo-Torr 8
ID: 181578
Vacuum pumps Part no's: 8112868G001 8112868G001 8112850 8112868G001 8112868G001.
CTI-CRYOGENICS Cryo-Torr 8 is an Isothermal Compression pump with Cryogenic capability. This pump is ideal for applications requiring both high compression ratios and pumping speeds to support ultra-cold temperatures without compromising precision. CTI-CRYOGENICS CRYOTORR 8 features a highly efficient design that allows for precise control over the desired vacuum pressure and operating temperature range. The pump utilizes a two stage positive displacement process that pushes gas particles inward into the body of the pump. This process generates temperatures in the range of -270°C (-454°F), while achieving high compression ratios and pressure ratios up to 6.3. The cryogenic cooling of the pump reduces vaporization of its lubricants and works to prevent pump degradation due to high temperatures. CRYOGENICS CRYO-TORR 8 is designed with a predictable service life of approximately 90 million operating hours, meaning there is little risk of failure and reduced need for frequent maintenance. The pump seals are also chemically resistant for long periods of time, helping to protect pump parts from the effects of corrosive materials. Additionally, Cryo-Torr 8 has no internal fluids, therefore providing a safer, cleaner operating environment. CTI-CRYOGENICS CRYOGENICS CRYO-TORR 8 includes several advanced features to provide greater control over vacuum pressure and temperature, such as a closed loop temperature control system and a shut-off valve system. The temperature control system contains pressure and temperature transducers to measure the pressure levels throughout the pumping process. The shut-off valves enable the user to reduce the amount of energy used to maintain the desired pressure as well as provide a higher level of safety by preventing over pressurization of the pump. CRYOTORR 8 also comes with a variety of accessories to make the pump more accessible and user friendly. These accessories include an adaptor plate, a self-aligning magnet base, a power plug and cord, and a fluid trap. These accessories help to ease the setup of the pump, as there is no need to fabricate special stands or supports. They also help to maintain the exact level of vacuum pressure and temperature control desired, as well as providing a more secure and stable base of operation. When used in combination with the unique features of CTI-CRYOGENICS Cryo-Torr 8, users are presented with a reliable, efficient and safe pumping option when operating in extreme vacuum and cryogenic temperature conditions.
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