Used EDWARDS Diffstak 300 #62067 for sale

EDWARDS Diffstak 300
Diffstak 300
ID: 62067
Diffusion Pump.
EDWARDS Diffstak 300 is a high-performance mechanical pump designed for high-vacuum applications. This pump is capable of reaching vacuum pressures of up to 25 millibar, which is near atmosphere pressure. Diffstak 300 uses a two-stage design to produce a higher vacuum pressure than a single-stage pump. The diffuser, the first stage of the pump, compresses the air and other gases and helps to remove non-condensables. The second stage then discharges the air and other gases at an even lower pressure allowing for an even greater level of vacuum. EDWARDS Diffstak 300 has a compact size, allowing for easy installation and operation. This pump features a thermally stable, die-cast aluminum alloy construction and comes equipped with both a special anti-surge lube pump and a water-cooled condenser. Diffstak 300 also has a high-efficiency vacuum-producing molecular drag starter that requires only minimal power to start. In addition to its impressive vacuum pressure, EDWARDS Diffstak 300 also offers a range of features that make it one of the best pumps on the market. The slip-ring design of the rotor and diffuser assembly reduces vibration and improves efficiency while the oil-circuitry design reduces oil-mixing issues. This pump also features an adjustable built-in start-up suction line filter that allows for the filtration of unwanted particulates in the pump's intake. This helps to reduce the amount of maintenance required for the pump. Diffstak 300 is an ideal choice for users looking for a reliable, high-performance pump. With its impressive vacuum capabilities, robust construction, and range of features, EDWARDS Diffstak 300 is a great solution for applications requiring a high level of vacuum.
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