Used EDWARDS iQDP80 / 500 #293667275 for sale

EDWARDS iQDP80 / 500
iQDP80 / 500
ID: 293667275
Dry pumps.
EDWARDS iQDP80 / 500 is a powerful and reliable two-stage diaphragm pump ideal for a variety of applications in critical industrial environments. It is designed to withstand extreme temperatures, corrosive fluid handling, and process-intensive requirements. The robust, reliable, and versatile pump is an ideal solution for HVAC, medical, laboratory, and analytical equipment, in addition to a wide range of other industries. EDWARDS IQDP80/500 provides a reliable source of continuous performance with high-quality results. This dual-stage diaphragm pump uses a double-acting design with a floating diaphragm, ensuring precise and precise output pressure even with higher air flow rates. It offers a range of pressures up to 500 mbar, allowing for the delivery of highly accurate pressures. The pumps are designed with a built-in pressure controller that ensures that the results are consistent and repeatable regardless of the air flow rate. IQDP 80/500 is designed to be operational even when used at low temperatures, as low as -10°C. It is also highly resistant to corrosion, making it well-suited for applications where corrosive fluids are pumped. The pump is designed with an efficient filtration mechanism, enabling the system to provide precise and accurate results. IQDP80 / 500 comes equipped with an integrated power supply that is designed to provide reliable and consistent power. This ensures that the pump has consistent performance, enabling it to be relied upon in difficult environments. The integrated power supply features overload protection and efficient heat dissipation to ensure reliable performance in the long term. The pump is also designed to be simple and easy to use. A full-color display provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface, allowing the user to quickly and easily access all of the pump's advanced functions. The display is also backlit, making it easy to view even in dimly lit areas. In addition, IQDP80/500 pump features a variety of additional features. These include a data logging feature that records and stores data for later analysis, and an isolation feature that separates the pump from any other connected components. This helps to protect the pump from external influences while still allowing it to be used efficiently. In conclusion, EDWARDS IQDP 80/500 is an advanced, reliable, and versatile pump ideal for a variety of applications and environments. It is highly reliable in even the harshest of conditions, secure with an integrated power supply, and comes with an intuitive, user-friendly interface. It is designed to provide precision results and is both corrosion and low temperature resistant, making it the perfect solution for critical industrial purposes. Furthermore, it has been designed to be as straightforward and simple to use as possible, further ensuring that it can be relied upon even in the toughest of conditions.
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