Used SIEMENS Siplace D4 #9131061 for sale

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ID: 9131061
Vintage: 2012
Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition system, High speed head of 12RV Without tray unit PCB flow direction left to right (88) With 2x8 mm (104) 3x8 mm (44) 12/16 2012 vintage.
SIEMENS Siplace D4 is a state-of-the-art printed circuit board (PCB) assembly and manufacturing equipment. It is highly accurate and efficient, with a throughput up to 1,200 components per minute. Siplace D4 is an innovative solution that delivers a high performance, reliable, and low cost of ownership production system. SIEMENS Siplace D4 is a fully automated unit for assembling components on printed circuit boards (PCBs). With its fast placement speed and efficient design of the board handling machine, Siplace D4 can place up to 1,200 components per minute. It features two automatic component placement heads that have a precision placement placement precision accuracy of ±50µm. This ensures that all components are precisely placed on the PCBs with minimum effort from the operator. SIEMENS Siplace D4 also has a pick-and-place modular tool that allows for easy component storage and fulfillment. The asset includes a Vision Scanner which helps the machine detect defective components and avoid them from being placed. It also comes with integrated 3D Solder Paste Inspection and Off-Board programming options that improve the production quality and reduce the risk of manufacturing defects. Siplace D4 is also equipped with an intuitive Human Machine Interface (HMI) that enables operators to interact with the model in multiple languages with ease. Additionally, the equipment's embedded diagnostics allow users to easily monitor and track process events. This information is available in an easy to read format on the HMI, helping users identify any errors and corrective measures that need to be taken. SIEMENS Siplace D4 is an ideal choice for those requiring a reliable, efficient, cost effective production system. With its wide range of features and advanced technological capabilities, Siplace D4 provides users with the tools for improved production capabilities. With its outstanding performance, excellent accuracy, and versatile design, SIEMENS Siplace D4 is the unit of choice for efficient and reliable PCB assembly and manufacturing.
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