Used DEK Galaxy #9080481 for sale

ID: 9080481
Vintage: 2005
Screen printer.
DEK Galaxy is a state-of-the-art screen printer designed to meet the demands of production printing. It has a unique design that makes it one of the most efficient screen printing machines on the market. Galaxy has a number of features that make it stand out from other screen printers. For example, its precision camera equipment accurately captures small details to ensure high-quality printing. This feature alsoallows for more accurate colors and graphics, enabling higher levels of resolution than other machines. DEK Galaxy has a high-speed, automated print speed that allows it to print up to 1000 prints per hour. This makes it ideal for high-volume production jobs that require quick turnaround times. It also features a built-in air filter system that reduces dust and dirt during operation, making it easier to keep the machine clean and maintain a consistent product quality. Galaxy also comes with a range of accessories, such as a laser cutter, for cutting out prints and a compactor for concealing loose edges and creases. This helps to create a seamless, professional-looking end product. In addition, DEK Galaxy is equipped with an advanced unit of pre-registration, which allows users to ensure that exact color and position requirements are met for each job. This ensures that prints are crisp and free from any unexpected artifacts. Finally, Galaxy offers a range of cost-effective solutions for screen printers. It uses a low-cost toner machine and a high-speed thermal-transfer printhead, which are both designed to significantly lower ink consumption. This means users can save money while still achieving excellent quality prints. DEK Galaxy is the perfect choice for those who are looking for a superior and reliable screen printing machine. With all the features that Galaxy offers, it is an ideal solution for businesses that value quality, performance, and value.
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