Used DEK Galaxy #9128979 for sale

DEK Galaxy
ID: 9128979
Screen printer.
DEK Galaxy is an advanced industrial screen printing equipment developed by DEK Printing Machines. Founded in 1997, DEK Printing Machines have become a leading authority in precision printing solutions and solutions-ready systems designed with minimal maintenance requirements, optimal cost control, and exceptional quality standards. Galaxy system is comprised of a combination of advanced automation features and sophisticated design. The high output of the machine is supported with maximum efficiency, as the unit provides maximum line speeds with iconic accuracy, quality, and device placement. The ergonomic design of the machine is accessible for users of any experience level - making it easy to learn, setup, and maintain. An intuitive and user-friendly graphical user-interface (GUI) further simplifies the operation and navigation of the machinery. DEK Galaxy machine offers proven flexibility within a range of industry-specific applications. Its precision-engineered components facilitate simultaneous flow of multiple substrates and support unlimited substrate sizes, enabling the unit to handle the needs of any given application. The flexibility of the machine is further extended by exceptional point displacement accuracy and superior throughput. Equipped with a visional inspection tool and self-diagnostic capabilities, Galaxy asset is prepared to address any problem areas in the production process. DEK Galaxy model is packed with a host of features designed to support cost-effective and reliable printing solutions. This includes: an 11-stage batch-tweaker equipment, a precision adjustable head-mounted doctor blade cleaner, an UltraTrack automated substrate tracking system, and TouchFlex 'green button' production. All of these features offer increased flexibility and throughput, while providing reliable printing results. Overall, Galaxy unit is a high-end industrial screen printing machine designed for maximum efficiency and reliability. The ergonomic design, flexibility for a range of applications, and a wide range of features make DEK Galaxy tool well-suited for commercial and industrial printing needs. Offering reliable and high-value printing results, total cost-of-ownership (TCO) is greatly reduced. By investing in Galaxy asset, users can expect to reduce operational costs and benefit from long-term confidence and support.
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