Used DEK Galaxy #9204795 for sale

ID: 9204795
Vintage: 2012
Screen printers 2012 vintage.
DEK Galaxy is a versatile and advanced screen printer that is renowned by experts to be one of the most reliable screen printers on the market today. At its core, Galaxy is designed to make it quick and simple for users to print, enhance, and customize their screen prints to exacting standards. DEK Galaxy is comprised of a variety of components that work together to create a highly efficient printing machine. The printer utilizes a powerful, industrial-grade XYZ motion controller that allows for precise, precise accuracy during each print. This controller ensures that print errors are virtually non-existent and that prints align perfectly with the required precision. Additionally, the built-in 3D vision camera creates a digital model of the print job for maximum accuracy. This ensures that all prints are printed within a tight tolerance. The print heads used in Galaxy are renowned for their durability and quality. They are designed with precision and consist of hardened steel and aluminum. With such durable components, print heads on DEK Galaxy last significantly longer than most other screen printers. This increases the life of the printer and helps reduce the cost of maintenance. Galaxy comes standard with two different printer bays, allowing for increased productivity and flexibility. Additionally, a variety of nozzles and pumps can be used to increase the speed and output of each individual print. This helps printers maximize their throughput in a variety of different conditions. Furthermore, DEK Galaxy's intuitive software makes it simple for users to configure their printer for a given job. In conclusion, Galaxy is a robust and powerful screen printer that is widely regarded by experts to be one of the most reliable screen printers on the market. Its components are designed for quality and precision, while its intuitive software allows for it to be easily configured for different print jobs. The ultimate goal of using DEK Galaxy is to be able to use a printer that will reliably produce high-quality prints in a timely and efficient manner.
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