Used DEK Horizon 02 #106084 for sale

DEK Horizon 02
Horizon 02
ID: 106084
Vintage: 2005
Screen printers, 2005 vintage.
DEK Horizon 02 is an automated screen printing machine designed to maximize production quality and efficiency. It's a two-stage screen printing equipment designed to produce high quality results by combining accurate location, established screen printing principles and advanced tension control. The two stages of the system include the Vision Unit and print stage. The Vision Machine allows for precise placement of each component and simple programming via a digital camcorder or computer aided design (CAD) tool. The Vision Asset features a vision camera, camera lenses, a light source, and a monitor. This allows accurate alignment of each component on the board and can easily be adjusted so that the printer can be positioned anything from 0-180 degrees in Y axis, 45 degrees in X axis and +/- 3 degrees in Z axis. The Print Stage is designed to provide maximum productivity and is capable of up to 2,500 prints per hour. It features two motorized squeegees, which actively tension print frames allowing for precise and consistent results. These are supported by a dual track lead screw feature to secure force, high speed Y-axis motion, and isolated kinematic rails to ensure a stable vacuum model throughout. The pneumatic needle floating feature ensures that the needles are always in contact with the stencil, aiding stable print performance during the printing process. In conclusion, Horizon 02 is an automated screen printing equipment that is capable of producing high quality results with excellent accuracy and flexibility. The Vision System and Print Stage combine to create a dynamic environment capable of regulating tension levels and positioning of various components on the board. Its features and design give it the capability to produce up to 2,500 prints per hour, making it an efficient and reliable option for any industry.
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