Used DEK Infinity HTC #9028020 for sale

Infinity HTC
ID: 9028020
Screen printers 2002-2006 vintage.
DEK Infinity HTC is a state-of-the-art, high-yield screen printer designed to deliver maximum performance for professional printing applications. Boasting a wide range of next-generation features and capabilities, Infinity HTC provides industrial-grade precision and maximum flexibility for both mid- to high-volume productivity and low-volume experimentation. With a fully automated, intuitive touchscreen interface, design teams can quickly adapt to the ever-evolving demands of rapid-turnaround projects and special orders. The purpose-built tooling equipment enables the printer to accommodate fine-pitch components and increased board sizes and yields. The dual-printed head tilt system and automatic head fix optimizes consistency and accuracy when printing high-tolerance, fine-line patterns. Additionally, a patented twin needle printheads-on-demand unit ensures maximum flexibility, allowing users to double-print a single component in the time normally required to single-print a component. The printer's advanced image registration machine combined with stereo head vision simplifies registration with minimal set-up and maximizes repeatability for repeat orders. The integral CCD camera detects gray scale, fiducials, and orientation marks, and a patented Knife Edge Squeegee tool produces exceptional print quality on both rigid and flex substrates. The patented on-board Auto Cleaning Asset requires minimal operator intervention, ensuring component leads are kept clean and free of defects between production runs. DEK Infinity HTC is equipped with a dual-zone reflow oven that enables rapid, efficient heating of both exotic (low-temperature) and standard (high-temperature) components with exceptional repeatability. With the user-friendly real-time process monitoring displayed on its touchscreen, users can easily spot trends and make adjustments as needed to facilitate on-the-fly process control. Infinity HTC is a fully-featured, high-performance screen printer designed to meet the ever-evolving demands of professional printing applications. Its cutting-edge features and technologies ensure maximum flexibility, consistent performance, and overall efficiency, making it an ideal solution for mid- to high-volume applications. With DEK Infinity HTC, users can be confident that their product quality and productivity will continue to thrive for many years.
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