Used EOS P100 #293641279 for sale

EOS P100
ID: 293641279
Vintage: 2010
3D Printer 2010 vintage.
EOS P100 is a high-precision, large-format semi-automatic printer that combines advanced technology and precision to print images onto virtually any surface. This screen printer is powered by a high-performance, industrial-grade servo motor and uses a vibration-resistant steel skeleton to ensure accurate and repeatable printing. The printer is capable of printing on a variety of materials, including standard and specialty papers, canvas, plastics, metals, and more. P100 includes a top level automatic registration equipment that accurately aligns the digital artwork to the substrate. This registration system features repeatable registration across different substrate materials with an accuracy of up to 0.02mm. The screen-printing bed is spacious and accommodates larger printing sizes up to 800mm x 800mm. In addition, EOS P100 features an intricate ink circulation unit with a digital pump gauge, built-in multiple vents, and a one-way ball valve that prevents ink from flowing back into the inkwell. This machine simplifies the ink loading process while ensuring consistent and reliable ink supply. P100 also has a patented filtration tool to remove all particles from the ink, preventing printing defects. Moreover, this industrial-grade screen printer comes with an intuitive computer touchscreen interface. This intuitive user-friendly asset allows for quick and easy operation as users can quickly download graphics, program squaring and design settings, monitor printing process, and much more. Overall, EOS P100 is an ideal solution for a wide range of printing purposes. This high-end, industrial-grade screen printer is built to deliver excellent performance at an affordable price. P100 offers robust performance, optimized performance, and is backed by technical support and long-term reliability.
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