Used AGILENT / HP / HEWLETT-PACKARD / KEYSIGHT 7890B #293610557 for sale
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ID: 293610557
Gas Chromatograph (GC)
CI Option: External EI source
(150) Vial trays
MMI Inlet
N2 Cryo
AGILENT / HP / HEWLETT-PACKARD / KEYSIGHT 7890B spectrometer is a gas chromatograph designed to measure and analyze a wide range of compounds. It offers high performance and versatility. The spectrometer consists of a 7890A GC equipped with two FID detectors and one ECD detector, an ALS 7060 programmer / controller, and a high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) auto sampler. The 7890A GC is capable of handling sample throughputs of up to 16 samples per hour in an automated mode. It can also be controlled manually. The GC is highly sensitive and can detect compounds in the range of parts-per-trillion (ppt) to parts-per-billion (ppb). It utilizes direct electron ionization (EI) and chemical ionization (CI) to detect compounds. The ECD detector is used for detecting compounds with high mass-to-charge ratios such as halogenated hydrocarbons. The FID detectors provide the best sensitivity for saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons. The ALS 7060 programmer/ controller is a 32-bit Windows-based operating system that provides easy operation of the instrument. It contains an LCD touch screen monitor and an integrated keyboard. It also supports multiple commands and multiple languages. The HPLC auto sampler can be used to rapidly inject samples into the GC inlet. It provides automated sample injection, sample sequencing, and increased sensitivity. HP 7890B instrument offers a number of advanced features, such as advanced column management, dedicated programmable software, customizable hardware options, and environmental monitoring for detectors and autosamplers. It is also capable of analyzing small samples and can be used for both volatile and non-volatile compounds. Other features include advanced chromatographic techniques, such as temperature programming, flow programming, and dynamic range expansion. AGILENT 7890B is a powerful chromatographic instrument. It is designed to be easy to use, has advanced data analysis capabilities, and offers a wide range of features and options to suit various applications.
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