Used APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS / ABI / MDS SCIEX 4800 Plus #293643302 for sale
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APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS / ABI / MDS SCIEX 4800 Plus is a state-of-the-art tandem quadruple time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOFMS). It is a powerful tool for performing quantitative and qualitative analysis of complex sample mixtures. ABI 4800 Plus utilizes a high-sensitivity TOFMS interface, which enables a wide range of laboratory experiments. This equipment offers a total system resolution of up to 10,000 FWHM and a mass detection range of up to 2000 Da. The TOFMS design of the unit's analyzer allows for rapid data acquisition, with scan rates of up to 3000 spectra per second, and a total cycle time of 1.3 s. MDS SCIEX 4800 Plus offers a variety of data acquisition modes, including profile, centroid, and multiplexing. Additionally, the machine is capable of operating in the negative and positive ionization modes, which allows for comprehensive analysis of samples. 4800 Plus includes three orthogonal ionization sources - an electron ionization (EI) source, a chemical ionization (CI) source, and an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) source - providing enhanced tool versatility. The EI source is designed to produce fragment ions that are stable and uniform, whereas the CI and APCI sources allow for a more complex fragmentation pattern of analytes. APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS 4800 Plus is equipped with an advanced ion optics design and a wide array of source accessories to further improve conventional analyses. The asset also incorporates added flexibility for creating a customized user interface. Finally, APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS / ABI / MDS SCIEX 4800 Plus is compatible with a variety of software packages, enabling enhanced analysis and data processing. In summary, ABI 4800 Plus offers a versatile and powerful platform for drug discovery, metabolite identification, and related studies. Its advanced features, such as multiple ionization sources, ultra-high sensitivity, and superior data acquisition rate, enable novel approaches to performing and adapting many laboratory-based experiments. This model provides a wide range of benefits, such as improved accuracy, increased productivity, and reduced labor costs.
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