Used APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS / ABI / MDS SCIEX 5600 TOF #293627568 for sale
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APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS / ABI / MDS SCIEX 5600 TOF is a high-performance time-of-flight spectrometer that is used for the analysis of high mass range compounds in a single measurement. This spectrometer operates using a Quadrupole Time of Flight (QTOF) system with Advanced Reflectron technology, making it especially suited for complex studies involving trace compounds, intact protein biomarkers, and peptides. The data collected from the scanning range is acquired over a wide range of a few femtograms to 1,000 micrograms per second. This spectrometer is equipped with a highly sensitive MALDI source that utilizes the latest laser, detector, and vacuum systems. This allows researchers to collect high-resolution, accurate data with a scan speed of 30 spectra per second. ABI 5600 TOF also offers excellent ion suppression for precision analyses, which is especially important for accurate optimization of large data sets when dealing with complex samples. The great accuracy and precision of MDS SCIEX 5600 TOF is enabled by its advanced ion optics and optics design. The optimized reflectron time of flight system used by this spectrometer provides superior accuracy and confidence in the data obtained from complex samples. Additionally, the use of a dual imaging system allows for the analysis of both large and small ions, leading to higher resolution and accuracy. 5600 TOF is a highly advanced spectrometer that is ideal for sensitive, comprehensive and accurate chemical and biological characterization. Its high mass accuracy of ±50 mDa over a large mass range and high resolution data make it perfect for a variety of chemical and biological research applications. This spectrometer is also user- friendly and easy to maintain, and its flexible, upgradable platform ensures that if the user changes research strategies, APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS 5600 TOF can be easily adapted to their requirements.
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