Used APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS / ABI / MDS SCIEX API 5000 #9265990 for sale
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ID: 9265990
Vintage: 2008
LC / MS / MS System
Roughing pump
Cables and hoses
PC System
2008 vintage.
APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS / ABI / MDS SCIEX API 5000 is a high-performance oblique-viewing triple quadrupole spectrometer that is used for a variety of analytical functions. This versatile instrument features high-sensitivity electronics that allow for the parallel acquisition of both single and multiple mass spectra, providing fast and accurate analysis of small molecules, proteins, peptides, and other types of biomolecules. The instrument consists of three main components: a source, a quadrupole mass filter, and a detector. The source takes in sample materials to be analyzed and ionizes the molecules before they enter the quadrupole mass filter. The filter uses an electric field to separate the ionized molecules based on their mass-to-charge ratio, allowing only those with designated molecules to pass to the next stage. Finally, the detector captures the signals from the molecules and measures them for further analysis. ABI API 5000 is capable of accurately analyzing samples at a range of mass range from 30 amu to 3500 amu, and can analyze multiple compounds in parallel. It also has a high-efficiency ion transfer system to facilitate fast and efficient sample analysis. Additionally, the instrument utilizes software that allows users to customize the parameters of its operation, such as scan speed, resolution, peak shape, and more, according to their specific analytical needs. MDS SCIEX API 5000 is an excellent choice for a variety of scientific applications, such as metabolic profiling, genomic research, and proteomics. Its powerful performance and flexibility make it ideal for both routine and research-level analytical tasks. Furthermore, because it is designed to maximize user efficiency and throughput, this spectrometer is especially well-suited for high-volume laboratory work.
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