Used APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS QStar Elite #293665948 for sale

ID: 293665948
Mass spectrometer Turbo ion spray source DS602 Dual stage rotary vane vacuum pump.
APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS QStar Elite is a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer used primarily for quantitative and qualitative analysis. It features a single quadrupole for precursor ion selection, a second quadrupole for fragmentation, and a third quadrupole for product ion selection. This kind of technology is capable of providing higher resolution and sensitivity to compounds in complex biological samples, making it ideal for the identification of proteins or small molecules commonly measured in the life sciences. QStar Elite utilizes electrospray ionization (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APGI) to ionize samples, permitting ESI with multiple ionization modes, including positive/negative, electron capture negative (ECN), and electron transfer dissociation (ETD). Magic angle spinning (MAS) improves sensitivity and resolution by minimizing ion-molecular clustering during the ionization process. APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS QStar Elite produces product ions by the process of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), in which two mass filters are employed for the sequential selection of precursor and product ions. The source within QStar Elite is a low energy 70-eV electron impact ion source converted to generate multiple ionization modes. The electron source provides maximum ion activation through specific collision energy settings, increasing the detector sensitivity and signal range. APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS QStar Elite also features Advanced Dynamic End-plate Electronic (ADEX) technology. This advanced technology utilizes a fine mesh electrical field to separate precursor and product ions to reduce polyatomic interference generated during the MS/MS process. The ADEX technology helps eliminate the need for all-ion fragmentation techniques, resulting in increased sensitivity and resolution for complex samples. Moreover, QStar Elite has an extendable AccuFlow Technology that eliminates circuit flow transients associated with lengthy repetitive measurements, allowing for repeatable and stable quantitative measurements. The detector is a thermo-ionization detector (TID), which optimizes ion detection for the specific molecule - a highly useful feature for quantitating small molecules or proteins. The TID also maximizes signal production from both precursor and product ions, increasing the limits of detector dynamic range while maintaining ionization stability. In summary, APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS QStar Elite provides a powerful and reliable tool for qualitative and quantitative analysis, with highly sensitive and reproducible measurements. It offers a broad range of functionality that provides researchers the ability to acquire critical, accurate, and reliable information from complex biological samples.
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