Used BRUKER-AXS Microflex #9212638 for sale

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ID: 9212638
MALDI-TOF Mass spectrometer.
BRUKER-AXS Microflex is a spectrometer used in the field of scientific research for elemental and structural analysis. It is a high-resolution tool that uses X-ray fluorescence (XRF) to analyze samples. It produces energy spectra of the elements present in a sample, and the data generated can be used to identify the elemental composition, elemental interactions, and structural features. Microflex is equipped with a monochromator, which is used to select the specific wavelength of the X-rays. This allows the user to isolate and measure specific elements in the sample being tested. The instrument can analyze samples in a variety of forms, including liquid, powder, and solid forms. The XRF technique can measure samples ranging from a few nanometers to a few millimeters in size. During the measurement process, BRUKER-AXS Microflex acquires the X-ray spectra of the sample and stores the data in digital format. This data is then used to identify the elements present, and to quantify their distributions and abundances. By comparing the data to reference spectra, it is possible to identify microscopic features of the samples on a chemical level. Microflex has been widely used for analyzing alloys and oxidization layers on metal objects, as well as testing for metal contamination in soil, water, and air. It is also used in chemical analysis for identifying and quantifying active ingredients in pharmaceuticals and certain industrial products. BRUKER-AXS Microflex is an efficient and precise tool for identifying and quantifying elements in a sample, with a wide range of applications. It is one of the most popular XRF spectrometers on the market, and its reliable performance makes it an attractive option for analytical laboratories and research facilities.
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